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‘Tis The Season to be Merry–and Sober

The holiday season is a fun time to be shared with friends and family, but it can also be a stressful time that triggers anxiety and challenges recovering addicts. There are many ways to stay sober and enjoy the holidays during this particularly challenging time of the year.

Here is a list of past articles that we’ve put together to help you or your loved one stay sober through the holidays. These tips range from finding an alcoholics anonymous marathon called an “alkathon” to planning a buddy system for holiday parties.  

Because we know that this time of year can be particularly difficult, Pat Moore Foundation is offering up to 10 days of detoxification services at no cost, with a 30 day treatment commitment. If you have any questions regarding help for yourself or a loved one please contact our admissions department 24 hours a day at 888-426-6086 or fill out the contact form.