We at Pat Moore Foundation know there might be some questions you have about drugs, alcohol, addiction, addiction treatment, and even about Pat Moore Foundation. So, we are creating this page to help with the many frequently asked questions we receive. As always, if you don’t see your question here on our FAQ page, please contact us (888) 292-4049. We are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.
What is Rehab?
Questions and Answers about Treatment Programs & Addiction
What is Drug Addiction Treatment?
There are many components to a great drug addiction treatment program, and the short answer is that it’s intended to help addicted individuals stop compulsive drug seeking and use. There are a number of settings where drug addiction treatment can occur; Inpatient, Outpatient, 12-step programs, and various therapies. Because all addicts are unique, there is not only one way to treat addiction. And, because drug addiction is typically a chronic disorder characterized by occasional relapses, a short-term, one-time treatment is usually not sufficient.
Does Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Run in Families?
Alcoholism and drug addiction are a family disease, and there are a lot of diseases that run in families, like diabetes. The most common path to addiction is when the person has picked up alcohol and or drugs because of a hereditary trait from a parent. Typically, addiction is triggered by a profound situation that affects the person physically, emotionally, financially or some other way. The symptoms of addiction take hold. And sometimes, there are earlier family traumas, like rape, physical abuse, death, and many others that trigger emotional problems where alcohol and drugs are used to mask the pain.
The genes a person inherits partially explain this pattern, but lifestyle is also a factor. Remember though, a genetic risk does not mean you will also be an addict. There are people who are addicts with no family members who show the traits.
Where Do 12-Step or Self-Help Programs Fit Into Drug Addiction Treatment?
Self-help groups can complement and extend the effects of professional treatment. The most prominent self-help groups are those affiliated with Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Narcotics Anonymous (NA), and Cocaine Anonymous (CA), all of which are based on the 12-step model, and Smart Recovery®. Most drug addiction treatment programs encourage patients to participate in a self-help group during and after formal treatment.
What is Inpatient Treatment?
An Inpatient Treatment program is an alcohol and drug treatment and rehabilitation program that is the cornerstone for some addicted individuals. It is a fully concentrated program, twenty-four hours a day, and on Pat Moore Foundation’s campus. Offering social modality and clinical therapy for each person, individuals are seen in both group and singular sessions on the campus. Included are; detox services, medical supervision, and clinical treatments.
What is Outpatient Treatment?
An Outpatient Treatment and detox is reserved for those patients who live near Pat Moore Foundation’s campus and can commute. The Outpatient Treatment programs involve the individual or group drug sessions that offer treatments consisting of cognitive, multidimensional, and motivational type therapies.
Questions about Pat Moore Foundation
What About Pat Moore Foundation’s Staff?
Pat Moore Foundation has a well-trained staff of professionals, and our treatment/recovery team is committed to helping our clients and residents through the recovery process. Our addiction treatment programs are licensed and certified by the State of California..
Note: All medical services are administered by medical professionals, which are facilitated and operated solely under the jurisdiction of a separate medical corporation.
What has Pat Moore Foundation Learned About Addict Men and Women?
Pat Moore Foundation has learned there are generally more addicted men than women, but that’s mostly likely because a few decades ago women addicts were not seen as often, due to not being in the work place. Over the years, though, the level of women addicts has increased dramatically.
When it comes to addiction treatment, the principles are the same. However, there are issues women deal with, like child rearing and incest where typically men don’t deal with these issues. For men and women we have found they tend for feel more comfortable discussing matters of an intimate nature with members of their own sex. Although Pat Moore Foundation has a co-ed campus there are strictly enforced single sex cottages and group therapies.
Questions About Drugs
What is Ecstasy?
MDMA is a synthetic, psychoactive drug chemically similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and the hallucinogen mescaline. Street names for MDMA include “ecstasy,” “XTC,” and “hug drug.” In high doses, MDMA can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate temperature. Research in humans suggests that chronic MDMA use can lead to changes in brain function, affecting cognitive tasks and memory. MDMA can also lead to symptoms of depression several days after its use. These symptoms may occur because of MDMA’s effects on neurons that use the chemical serotonin to communicate with other neurons. The serotonin system plays an important role in regulating mood, aggression, sexual activity, sleep, and sensitivity to pain. In addition, users of MDMA face many of the same risks as users of other stimulants such as cocaine and amphetamines.
What is GHB?
Since about 1990, GHB (gamma hydroxybutyrate) has been abused in the U.S. for its euphoric, sedative, and anabolic (body building) effects. It is a central nervous system depressant that was widely available over-the-counter in health food stores during the 1980s and until 1992. It was purchased largely by body builders to aid in fat reduction and muscle building. Street names include “liquid ecstasy,” “soap,” “easy lay,” “vita-G,” and “Georgia home boy.”
Coma and seizures can occur following abuse of GHB. Combining use with other drugs such as alcohol can result in nausea and breathing difficulties. GHB may also produce withdrawal effects, including insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating. GHB and two of its precursors, gamma butyrolactone (GBL) and 1,4 butanediol (BD) have been involved in poisonings, overdoses, date rapes, and deaths.
What is Ketamine?
Ketamine is an anesthetic that has been approved for both human and animal use in medical settings since 1970; about 90 percent of the ketamine legally sold is intended for veterinary use. It can be injected or snorted. Ketamine is also known as “special K” or “vitamin K.”
Certain doses of ketamine can cause dream-like states and hallucinations. In high doses, ketamine can cause delirium, amnesia, impaired motor function, high blood pressure, depression, and potentially fatal respiratory problems.
What is Rohypnol or “Roofies”?
Rohypnol, a trade name for flunitrazepam, belongs to a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines. When mixed with alcohol, Rohypnol can incapacitate victims and prevent them from resisting sexual assault. It can produce “anterograde amnesia,” which means individuals may not remember events they experienced while under the effects of the drug. Also, Rohypnol may be lethal when mixed with alcohol and/or other depressants.
Rohypnol is not approved for use in the United States, and its importation is banned. Illicit use of Rohypnol started appearing in the United States in the early 1990s, where it became known as “rophies,” “roofies,” “roach,” and “rope.”
Abuse of two other similar drugs appears to have replaced Rohypnol abuse in some regions of the country. These are clonazepam, marketed in the U.S. as Klonopin and in Mexico as Rivotril, and alprazolam, marketed as Xanax. Rohypnol, however, continues to be a problem among treatment admissions in Texas along the Mexican border.
What are “Bath Salts?”
“Bath salts” refer to a synthetic drug, are often sold over the counter in convenience stores and gas stations to young children. The Drug Enforcement Administration compares bath salts to a combination of cocaine and LSD.
Bath salts can be snorted, smoked, and injected. People who have ingested bath salts often end up in the emergency room. Sometimes due to chest pains so intense they believe they are having a heart attack. Other times, people end up in the emergency room because they experience some sort of psychotic break and suffer severe hallucinations, causing them to engage in dangerous activities that land them in the hospital for critical care.
Bath salts can also result in paranoia, severe anger and agitation, increased blood pressure and pulse, and suicidal thoughts. Some of these symptoms can persist over time, leaving users experiencing them for months after their last use of bath salts.