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Substance Abuse Treatment, Rehabilitation Programs

National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study

For over 25 years Pat Moore Foundation has specialized in oxycodone and other opiate addiction treatment programs. We know first-hand the powerful addictive and destructive qualities of oxycodone and prescription drug abuse. Following is a short information guide on oxycodone abuse, addiction, symptoms, risks, hydrocodone, suboxone detox and treatment. We provide this as a service to Pat Moore Foundation family and friends, as well as for anyone seeking helpful and insightful information on oxycodone, including its addiction and abuse.

The National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES) is a Congressionally-mandated five-year study of the impact of drug and alcohol treatment on thousands of clients in hundreds of treatment units… Click to read more about substance abuse treatment.

The National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES) was one of the largest and most rigorous studies of substance abuse treatment ever conducted… Click here to continue.

Drug and Alcohol Use
Significant reductions in substance abuse were generally found during and immediately following treatment… Click here to continue.

Changes in Criminal Behavior
There is a well-established link between substance abuse and criminal behavior. Society spends huge amounts of money, time, and effort on this problem… Click here to continue.

Changes in Employement, Income, and Homelessness
Clients made progress toward greater self-sufficiency following treatment… Click here to continue.

Changes in Physical and Mental Health
Substance abuse is known to be a major contributor to poor physical and mental health, and abusers use a disproportionately high percentage of physical and mental health services… Click here to continue.

Changes in Sexual Behavior
The sexual behavior of persons who abuse substances is one of the major pathways for the transmission of HIV/AIDS… Click here to continue.

Variation in Treatment Outcomes
The NTIES study employed sophisticated research techniques to explore whether specific patient characteristics, or the characteristics of the treatment units, could explain variations in pre/post treatment outcomes… Click here to continue.

Cost of Treatment
Treatment appears to be cost effective, particularly when compared to incarceration, which is often the alternative… Click here to continue.

NTIES sought to answer a number of questions fundamental to an understanding of treatment effectiveness and the quality of Federally-funded treatment programs… Click here to continue.

Pat Moore Foundation’s drug & alcohol detox and alcohol & drug addiction treatment programs are licensed and certified by The State of California. We provide non-medical and medically managed detoxification (using Suboxone, Subutex, and Buprenorphine when appropriate) and primary residential treatment. Our individual homes are on a unique co-ed campus where we offer gender specific treatment. We are located in Costa Mesa, in Orange County, Southern California, close to Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, and only an hour’s drive from Los Angeles and San Diego. To speak with a counselor, please call us 24-hours at (888) 426-6086 or if you’d like us to contact you, send a confidential message online by filling out our online form.

Note: All medical services are administered by medical professionals, which are facilitated and operated solely under the jurisdiction of a separate medical corporation.