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Detox From Alcohol and Drugs

Alcohol Detox

For the alcoholic, alcohol withdrawl creates a sense of anxiousness and uneasiness. As for the psychological aspect of the addiction, even those who consume moderate amounts of alcohol may experience withdrawal. This form of addiction refers to a mental desire for alcohol that would create a sense of well being. Read more about alcohol detox here.

Drug Detox

During drug detox, managing the physical symptoms of withdrawal associated with the discontinuation of drugs is an important aspect of the detox process. While detoxification exclusively is rarely sufficient in terms of assisting the addicts in achieving long-term abstinence, we also recommend treatment of up to 30 days (minimum) in conjunction with detox. Read more.

Many issues come up in early sobriety that can be difficult to handle. The staff at Pat Moore Foundation is on call 24-hours and understands this, and is eager to help at any time of the day or night. Our goal is to enable each person who enters our doors walk the road to a healthy and happy recovery.

Pat Moore Foundation’s alcohol & drug addiction treatment programs are licensed and certified by The State of California. Pat Moore Foundation patients have access to opiate and opioid detoxification provided by a third party medical corporation that uses suboxone for the detoxification process. Our individual homes are on a unique co-ed campus where we offer gender specific treatment. We are located in Costa Mesa, in Orange County, Southern California, close to Newport Beach and Huntington Beach, and only an hour’s drive from Los Angeles and San Diego. To speak with a counselor, please call us 24-hours or if you’d like us to contact you, send a confidential message online by filling out our online form.

Note: All medical services are administered by medical professionals, which are facilitated and operated solely under the jurisdiction of a separate medical corporation.