There are a number of ways to treat someone medically for alcoholism. The safest way, depending on the severity and progression of the disease, is through an inpatient stay at a rehab treatment center. However, if the severity of the disease has not progressed so far, the alcoholic might be just as able to attend a recovery treatment center on an outpatient basis. As always, consulting a physician or doctor for clarification is suggested.
Treatment, however, can only begin when the alcoholic has accepted the problem and has a desire to stop drinking. In fact, the desire to stop drinking is what’s required for membership into Alcoholics Anonymous. Whether it is a stay at a rehab treatment center or frequent weekly visits to a recovery treatment center there are primarily two stages: discontinuing alcohol use through a detoxification and then the recovery stage.
The cravings for alcohol don’t stop just because someone has stopped drinking and that’s why long-term recovery can sometimes feel rather illusive. Anxiety, insomnia, and in some cases shaking, spasms, panic attacks, and hallucinations occur, and if not treated in a professional capacity could cause death. In fact, the delirium tremors (DT’s) have a mortality rate of more than ten percent. The DT’s normally happen when late stage alcoholism detoxification is attempted, and that’s why it is important that someone who has a high severity of alcoholism should have a brief inpatient stay at a hospital or rehab treatment center.
One of the more popular medications during a detox is a Benzodiazepine, which is an anti-anxiety drug used to treat the withdrawal symptoms mentioned above. Eventually the addict is weaned from the medication through a tapering off method because sometimes they can be addictive as well.
When the detox phase has been completed and some ‘clean’ time has been achieved some physicians will recommend Disulfiram. This drug interferes with the metabolism of alcohol so that even drinking a small amount will cause a person to have nausea, vomiting, confusion, and breathing difficulties.
Sounds painful!
But, if this is a good choice, then taking the Disulfiram is a great decision while going through the process of a recovery treatment center. The alternative, continuing to drink, can create even bigger problems.