One of the most important distinctions to come to terms with after seeking help through an alcohol detox and rehab program is that recovery is not a cure but is a daily process managed one day at a time. In simple terms, the word recovery means finding your path to personal self-confidence and respect by placing you in control of you own life. Learning as much as you can about alcoholism is vital to recovery.
In order to stay sober after rehab treatment one must focus on goals and stay mentally and active, and one way to do this is to find a support network through seminars and groups led by professionals, twelve-step programs, and family and friends. But, this type of support comes from being active in the group and not just a passive bystander.
One of the most usual setbacks in recovery can come quickly or even years later and that is a lapse or a relapse. Very few people succeed that first time out and will have a drink or brief periods of drink at later points (lapse) or drink for an extended period of time – sort of a lot of ‘lapses’ together (relapse). It’s important that the alcoholic truly understand that if this happens it is not the end all of everything and that the rehab treatment is working, but it is just a process. Knowing in advance that a relapse can happen will help the addict be prepared when it does. The best way to cope with this is to come to terms with it as quickly as possible. The addict is not perfect, the addict just slipped up. So, accepting the mistake, figuring out why it happened, and trying again will help that alcoholic stay sober longer.
Living a healthy lifestyle will most likely be new to the recovering alcoholic, and some ways to this are through: exercise and activity, something to do besides sit around and obsess about alcohol, and it will reduce stress; sleep more, 7-8 hours will help the recovering addict stay strong; and eat a balanced meal, with a diet of grains, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and protein the body will be more capable of dealing with tension and stress.
Overall, working to restore a happy, vibrant life with good relationships with family, friends, and people the recovering alcoholic works with, or even goes to school with, will offer a sense of balance and value. How far the person wants go is up to truly up to them, because living a great life without alcohol is truly possible if they want it badly enough.