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Prescription Drug Abuse

What is Prescription Drug Abuse

The major misconception about prescription drug misuse is that these substances are deemed safer than illegal and illicit drugs because they are prescribed by a doctor or some other healthcare professional. So, taking note and bringing prescription drug abuse into the light of day should be on top of the priority list for public health officials.

Currently, there are four areas of concern that professionals feel will reduce prescription drug abuse.

  1. The first vital step, which seems to be an obvious one, is education. From parents and healthcare professionals to youth and people being prescribed there are dangers of abusing prescription drugs. There is now a requirement to point out safe storage and disposal of medicines as well as safe usage. 
  2. Speaking of medication disposal…they are programs promoting safe disposal and the result have shown a decreased supply of unused prescription drugs in the home.
  3. There is also a PDMP, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, being implemented across multiple states. This will help prevent something called “Doctor Shopping.” 
  4. In cases where these guidelines are not followed, law enforcement has been provided the tools necessary to eliminate improper, or illegal, prescription practices.

What You Can Do About Prescription Drug Abuse

Because there is an ease of access to prescription drugs, and the fact they are legal, the problem has become rampant. It’s imperative that everyone (law enforcement, healthcare professionals, parents, youth and of course the government) work together to reduce prescription drug abuse.

It shouldn’t matter who you are, you can help reduce the risk at home and follow prescription disposal guidelines. By doing so, there is less of a chance of unintentional harm. Having an open discussion with your doctor, your parents, and your children about the dangers of abusing prescription drugs, and taking someone else’s prescriptions is also a great way to reduce risk. Check out the many types of “Take Back” programs available in your area by calling city officials or searching them online.

And finally, if you do need drug treatment or know someone who does, seek treatment. Pat Moore Foundation understands the struggles of addiction and the misery that can follow. For over 25 years we’ve specialized in helping people who struggle with addiction and now they work to maintain happy and healthy lives.