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Methadone Detox | Becoming Addicted to Methadone

One of the most commonly prescribed medications for heroin addicts is Methadone, and it is also commonly prescribed for those addicted to other opiates. If an addict is working to get clean and sober it is not advised to use Methadone without the use of counseling and a 12step program. Methadone detox is used as part of a drug therapy program. A Methadone detox will lessen the withdrawal symptoms an addict experiences when he stops taking his drug. However, as with other opiates, it is possible to become addicted to methadone.

Methadone Detox

If by chance an addict then finds himself addicted to Methadone, then it is surely time to stop taking methadone. This plan detox from Methadone will need to be discussed with the recovery addict’s doctor. Just don’t stop taking methadone suddenly, as withdrawal symptoms will happen just as suddenly. They may include nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, insomnia, depression, anxiety and cravings for methadone. Just like the opiates you stopped taking, these symptoms could lead one to start taking methadone again. A doctor can help you by reducing your dose gradually, or helping you with a medication called Suboxone or Subutex. When following a dose-reduction plan, the addict can reduce the risk of severe side effects, and may be more likely to successfully give up methadone.

Methadone Rehabilitation

Breaking the cycle of addiction is not easy to do alone, and statistics have shown that a recovery addict is more likely to stay drug free with the help of a rehabilitation center. When the addict has successfully completed a detoxification they should immediately check into an alcohol and drug rehabilitation facility. Ask us here at Pat Moore Foundation for more help on with this. We allow the recovery addict to continue therapy sessions, surround them with supportive people to help deal with physical and psychological withdrawal. We also counseling, either in a one on one or group session, and we also understand what it’s like to crave drugs and alcohol.

If you need help, call Pat Moore Foundation today @ 888-426-6086.




Recovery Rob is a 47-year-old man who has more than eighteen years of sobriety, whose drugs of choice at one time were alcohol and drugs, and he has worked in and around the field of addiction for more than 20 years. Recovery Rob is a professional writer who has published two novels and is currently working on his third. He has been writing and working as Pat Moore Foundation’s premiere blogger and content writer, which helps keeps Pat Moore Foundation’s addiction and recovery blog top-rated.