I was recently asked why we submit blogs of sober events happening all over the continent. My first response was, well, if I could find sober events in Paris, France I blog about them as well. A bit cheeky, but I of course followed with, “Well, our clients are from all over the place, not just Southern California. And this blog is for them too.” Just because someone graduates, gets coined out, or whatever the phrase it is you like to call it when your residential time on our alcohol and drug addiction treatment campus is fully completed, that doesn’t mean our contact should end.
So, that being said…here is a sober event on the Big Island of Hawaii.
The Big Island Gathering is held Memorial Day Weekend, May 28-31, 2010. It will once again be a camp out, and in a ‘special place that highlights the natural beauty and fun” of the island. Spencer Park Beach is on the west side of the island, which is the sunnier and warmer side.
Honestly, I don’t have a lot more information on this one. So, here are two links you can follow to get more. One is Narcotics Anonymous, Hawaii and the other is the Big Island Gathering application.
If you go, send us pictures!!!