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A.A. Financial Policy

A.A. Financial Policy

Following is additional information on AA programs, courtesy of Alcoholics Anonymous. For more detailed information please contact Alcoholics Anonymous directly.

Click here to return to the first part in the series, “Alcoholics Anonymous”.

Over the years, Alcoholics Anonymous has affirmed and strengthened a tradition of being fully self-supporting and of not seeking, or accepting, contributions from nonmembers. When outside contributions are received at the General Service Office, they are returned with a note explaining A.A.’s position on the question of self-support.

Within the Fellowship, the amount that may be contributed to the support of movement-wide services by any individual member is limited to $3,000 a year.

Expenses at the group level for rental of meeting places, coffee and refreshments, literature, etc., are met by “passing the hat.” In a majority of groups, an amount is set aside regularly for the support of A.A. world services.

All contributions are voluntary. Membership in A.A. involves no dues or fees. All groups benefit from G.S.O. activities, although not all groups contribute to G.S.O.’s support.

Income from the sale of Conferenceapproved books and other literature has always been an important factor in the support of G.S.O. services, frequently insuring continuation of those services when contributions from local groups were inadequate.

Click here to return to the first part in the series, “Introduction to the A.A. Recovery Program”.

The above information is from “A.A. Fact File”, prepared by General Service Office of Alcoholics Anonymous. This information is also available on G.S.O.’s A.A. Website:

If you have any questions about Alcoholics Anonymous or alcohol treatment, please call us 24-hours at (888) 426-6086 or if you’d like us to contact you, send us a confidential e-mail by filling out our online form.