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Medical Detox | It’s My Glass!

There might be many occasions over the following week or more that we may attend social gatherings. Sometimes in bars, sometimes at homes, and sometimes at a restaurant. In these environments, however, there are most often a wait staff, a bartender, and even drink servers. Keeping alert is good. If we don’t, we might find ourselves accidentally slipping, and who knows where that might lead, a medical detox possibly?

But let’s be honest, keeping an eye on your glass can be an arduous task, especially if you want to be social and festive. We sometimes set our glass down to greet someone, and then turn to see a number of other glasses that look the same. We ponder, retracing our steps, maybe even start sniffing drinks to see which one is the club soda. It’s frustrating and very dangerous. Short of placing our beverage in a child’s sippy-cup to distinguish it from other, or even holding on to our drink with death grip, we haven’t many options. Or do we?

I went to a holiday house party a few years ago, and the hostess was serving wine with dinner. She was also serving festive, and I am sure tasteful martinis. I believe I read on the invitation there would be pomegranate martinis served. Being the gracious hostess that she is, she asked what I wanted. In turn, I handed her a small bag that contained a bottle of cranberry juice and club soda. As with most friends, she knows I am in recovery. So, she took the bag, and within moments came back with a martini glass with red liquid in it.

My heart thudded and my eyes shifted to the other martini glasses and I spotted a similar color liquid in their glasses. Had she forgotten? Catching my inner thoughts somehow, she leaned in and told me it was only cranberry juice, club soda, and little bit of lime juice. Then she casually pointed to the little charm at the stem of the glass, a little tag which read ‘rudolph.’ “This is your glass in case you set it down.” And then she added. “There’s a rudolph on your wine glass too.”

What a great idea. It makes it so much easier this way.