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Drug Abuse Signs, Symptoms, and Addiction Questions

Signs and Symptoms of Drug Abuse That Are Common

I’ve been focusing a lot lately on the difference between abuse and addiction when it comes to alcohol and drugs, and it’s pretty clear that specific drugs offer different physical effects when taken, but when it comes to symptoms of addiction there are a lot of similarities. I think today, however, I am going to focus primarily on the signs and symptoms of drug abuse. Take a look below to see if you see yourself described in the following signs and symptoms of drug abuse.

  1. Is your drug use cause for problems at home? Do you often fight with your partner, family, and have you lost friends do to drugs use?
  2. Is your drug use turning to legal problems, such as driving under the influence, stealing to support your habit, or have you even been arrested for disorderly conduct?
  3. Are you neglecting responsibilities at work (calling in sick often), or school (flunking classes) , or even home (neglecting your spouse or children) because of your drug usage?
  4. Are you putting yourself at risk while under the influence of drugs? Risk such as; driving, using dirty needles, or even having unprotected sex?

If you identify with any of these you should consider speaking to a professional about your drug usage. This doesn’t mean you are an addict, it means you are having trouble. Ask for help.

5 Common Questions about Drug Abuse and Addiction

  • Question 1: Isn’t overcoming addiction simply a matter of willpower? Can’t you just stop using drugs if you really want to? Answer 1: No, not necessarily. Continues exposure to drugs over a long period of time alters you brain making it difficult to quit by force of will. Over a period of time, strong cravings and a compulsion to use sets in.
  • Question 2: There isn’t anything you can do about addiction because it is a disease, right? Answer 2: Addiction is a brain disease, but that doesn’t mean an addict is helpless in the fight against this brain disease. With therapy, exercise, medication and other protocols, your brain can change.
  • Question 3: Don’t all addicts have to hit rock bottom before they can seek the help they so desperately need? Answer 3: No, not all addicts have to hit rock bottom. If someone feels their drug usage is cause for concern, they can work to stop the progression of this disease – in fact, the earlier the better for most addicts. Don’t wait to stop after you’ve lost it all.
  • Question 4: Can you force someone into treatment that doesn’t want it? Answer 4: Often times family, employers, or the legal system can pressure an addict into treatment. These people are just as likely to benefit as the addict.
  • Question 5: If treatment doesn’t work the first time, should I bother trying again? Answer 5: Often times the first attempt at recovery from drug addiction involves setbacks and relapses, as the process is a long one. Relapse is a signal to get back on track by either going back to treatment or working to discover the trigger that lead you back to drug use.

Recovery Rob BIO

Recovery Rob is a 47-year-old man who has more than nineteen years of sobriety, whose drugs of choice at one time were alcohol and drugs, and he has worked in and around the field of addiction for more than 20 years. Having just recently launched his own website, Ask Recovery Rob, he hopes to reach out and continue to help others who work through their process of addiction and recovery. Recovery Rob is a professional writer who has published two novels and is currently working on his third. He has been writing and working as Pat Moore Foundation’s premiere blogger and content writer, which helps keeps Pat Moore Foundation’s addiction and recovery blog top-rated.