Recovering from Alcoholism is mainly a two step process. Abstinence, which is the most crucial and difficult part, and learning to live without alcohol is the other part. A lot of people forget about the second part – learning to live without alcohol. They seem to set the drink down and ‘white-knuckle’ it. They try to live their life doing the same old things they once did and find it only makes them miserable. It’s no wonder they feel sobriety is not as joyous as most state it is, and invariably a vast majority returns to drinking to quell their self-inflicted emotional pain.
An alcohol detox program, whether inpatient or outpatient is the single most beneficial decision a recovering alcoholic can make during the early stage of recovery. Abruptly stopping consumption of alcohol can lead to serious problems, so having an experienced counselor, therapist, or doctor to talk to can prevent a lot of physical pain. Remember, in most alcoholics the body has become physically used to the alcohol in the bloodstream. There could be a cataclysmic response from the body upon the sudden cease of alcohol intake. Besides abstinence there are five changes that are strongly considered to increase the chances of long-term sobriety.
1.) Avoid people and places where drinking is the norm, so finding a new group of non-drinking friends is helpful.
2.) Joining Alcoholics Anonymous or another self-help group.
3.) Earnestly seek out help from concerned family and friends.
4.) Volunteer and create a new hobby that generates a positive feeling.
5.) Start exercising – walking is a great start and in many cases it will provide a natural high.
It is important that the alcoholic gets 100% honest with himself and to be honest about how much and how often alcohol is consumed when making the choice of what path to follow regarding recovery. It is only then that a choice can be made about the appropriate steps for an alcohol detox.