In honor of Pat Moore Foundation’s 30th Year celebration on October 18, 2013, we thought it would be interesting to hear/read about alumni and employees of Pat Moore Foundation. Some even fall into both categories!
The sun was bright and warm that day, although there plenty of shady areas to sit and stand, and a ‘standing room’ it was with close to 100 people in attendance. We were thrilled with the outcome! Recovery Rob, our content man and premiere blogger’s first interview was with Katy Alexander.Katy Alexander is the Director of Admissions and also an Alumni of Pat Moore Foundation.
Here is the Question and Answer:
Recovery Rob: Katy, it is so good to see you again. What wonderful day and what a great reason to celebrate.
Katy Alexander: Yes, it’s been quite the journey and wonderful to have so many people, alumni and community here.
Rob: So, Katy, let me get right to the questions if you don’t mind. Some of these may sound like intake questions, but I only ask them so people get a clearer picture of you.
Katy: No, that’s fine. Go ahead.
Rob: What’s your anniversary date?
Katy: February 26, 2005.
Rob: Was this your first time getting sober, or did you relapse?
Katy: About a year before my anniversary date I pulled myself out of treatment and then into a sober living home. I had tried many times to get sober but relapsed. I had a lot going on with drug court, so I decided to turn myself in and move out of sober living. My probation officer asked me to hold on, and I did. I was willing to do anything at this point in my life. When I turned myself in, I was taken into custody. I was fine being in jail because I felt I was safer there than I was somewhere else. About five days or so later I was offered another alcohol and drug treatment program. To be honest, I didn’t feel worthy of the offer, but she was released to Pat Moore Foundation for a 90-day treatment program. I wanted to keep it quiet, and when my time was up here, I didn’t’ feel safe and told them. They kept me another month in the treatment halls where I did whatever work they asked me to do. I moved into a sober living situation while continuing to work at Pat Moore Foundation, but I smelled booze at sober ling and told Debbie about it. She told me to pack my stuff and move. When I hit six months, I was managing my sober living, and did so for another nine months. Within a year I was able to graduate drug course and get off probation.
Rob: When did you start drinking or doing drugs?
Katy: Oh, I started drinking around 15 on most weekends. When I was 23 I started speed. I didn’t feel like an alcoholic. I did speed from 23-32.
Rob: What do you think is the draw, other than being addicted, that kept pushing you further into your addiction?
Katy: Well, I didn’t have a bad childhood. I just sorta picked up. I was in a bad relationship that I shouldn’t have been in. He was abusive and I wanted to numb myself.
Rob: Are there any other addicts, sober or otherwise in your family.
Katy: My brother, but he’s not sober. Half my cousins are. Rob: What would you say your drug of choice is? Katy: Speed
Rob: Now that you’re where you are, what would you say are the triggers you need to be made aware of to prevent relapse?
Katy: If I allowed myself to not be honest. I couldn’t care that at all. I’d also have to say, people, places and things.
Rob: What’s your favorite memory of Pat Moore Foundation?
Katy: I love the fact this is a coed campus but I was with women only. The experience was just more real because of that. For the first time I felt I wasn’t different. There was a commonality and connectedness because of that. The groups were helpful to. I could sit there in other places and hear the words, but words mean nothing if you don’t know what they mean. Oh, and Pat Moore Foundation also taught how to face problems.
Rob: What would say, if anything, to a friend or family member who you feel is abusing alcohol and/or drugs, or who you might be addicted?
Katy: I think a person need to come to the realization on their own, unless of course they are hurting everyone around them. I guess mostly though I would let someone know I’d be there for them and to call me if they need something.
Rob: Katy, thank you so much for this quick, candid interview. As always, it so great to see you.
Katy: Thank you. It’s wonderful to see you again.