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Detox Vs. Long-Term Treatment: Pros and Cons

While overcoming any addiction, there are two stages you must go through – detoxing and long-term treatment. For many users the process is different depending on the drug itself.

During detoxification, your body will begin to rejuvenate itself to its natural healthy state. Your mind starts to think rationally, you begin to believe in a life of abstinence, and begin to create a new plan to accomplish goals and live a life of sobriety. However, you will endure physical and emotion tribulation during the detox stage. Some of the withdrawals that can be experienced during this process may consist of cold sweats, insomnia, extreme mood swings, exhaustion, and could lead to more, depending on the type of drug abused.

After detox, you may begin the long-term treatment, depending on the severity of your addiction. Most will feel hopelessness over not knowing where to begin or where to look to get back on a customary lifestyle. You might not know where to find a job and essentially get you back in the norm routine of society. You might have a job but don’t know how to feel like an accustomed member to society making you have thoughts of unsureness and insecurities, thus, triggering the impulse to relapse. A mentor, whether is be from your local NA/AA meeting or a professional counselor is always helpful to  give you the motivation you need to be pushed to get on that road to sobriety.

Whether you are seeking further rehabilitation (inpatient or outpatient) with group support it is always a positive move. You will be in the right state of mind and have the ability to move forward to a renovated life style. If you’d like to learn more about which treatment program is right for you, contact Pat Moore Foundation to speak to a professional today.