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Disappointment isn’t Always the End

Again, as I approached the end of my 30 days of this drug and alcohol detox and rehab, I was at a loss. I didn’t know what I was going to do with my exit plan, but I knew I’d get some help. My counselor recommended that I go to sober living and thought it would be good for me to get away from everything and suggested a sober living home in Florida. I don’t think I was happy about having to do this, and I’d surely have to think about it.

I was able to put some thought into it, weighing what I thought was the pro’s and con’s, I decided to go ahead with a six-month commitment to go to that sober living. I also thought It would be good for me to get away from everything. Both the rocky relationship with my girl and the stress of working for my brothers company was working against me and my sobriety. But things aren’t always as they seem.

As I look back, I see that I was scared and jumped at the chance to “run away.” I broke the news to my brother that I would be going to Florida for six-months. Which meant he would have to replace me at work and take on more work himself. I then broke the news to my girl friend that I’d be gone for six months. Like myself, the family and girl friend were hoping that treatment would fix me, so they were disappointed that I’d be leaving. However, I did learn that just because someone is disappointed, that doesn’t mean they can’t be supportive.

They really wanted me to be clean.

The next couple of months I was in for some surprises and will share some of those in my next blog.

To follow along, please see: Cunning, Baffling, and Powerful.